Crazy Monkey Mind

Do you have any clients coming to see you because their minds tend to run away with them? Or rather, because your client tends to run away with their mind? The mind says, "You are doing everything wrong!" and your client says, "Yes, let's think about that all day." The mind says, "I don't think you should work on that project today. You really want cookies" and your client says, "Okay." Alternatively, your client might say, "Why would I listen to you? You are a terrible, broken mind!" 

So many clients have come to believe that there is something wrong with them because of the quantity and/or quality of thoughts going through their heads on a day-to-day basis. Metaphors can often have a powerful effect in helping the client to gain distance from the thoughts shooting through at any given moment. 

Here is a video with a wonderful metaphor. Your mind is a monkey. Do you want to make the monkey your boss? Do you want to make it your enemy? What if you were the employer and your mind were the employee? 

Guess what? Each one of us has a lovely crazy monkey mind to befriend. 


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